Deepalaya Social Service Centre at Bijapur organized on 17th August 2022 an awareness programme in Gubbewada village of Indi Taluka for youth on substance abuse, Government schemes and schemes for construction workers. Twenty fi-veyouth benefitted from this programme.

The resource persons for awareness on substance abuse were from AA Nava Jee-van Sanga, Mr. Sangamesh, Mr. Mallikarjun and Mr. Rahut. They shared their life experiences and how they ruined their lives due to alcohol.They were able to rebuild their lives after joining Alcoholic Anonymous group. The youth listened attentively andsome showed keen interest to join the AA group.
To create awareness on Government Schemes for Youth and Construction Workers Mr. Eranna Naavi, staff of Labour Office Indi, Bijapur, explained about the vari-ous benefits from Labour Department like scholarship and other facilities, medical assistance for general health and accidental cases, loan facilities for the purchase of tools, housing loans old age pension and family pension,
Both the sessions were informative and relevant. The youth expressed their grati-tude to the organisers.



Photos of Awareness programme on Substance abuse and initiation of Alcoholic Anonymous Group & Government Schemes for Youth in Gubbewada village.

 httpswwwdhmindiasouthprovinceorgimagesstories 2dhmindia2000000001 10jpg

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