On this auspicious day as we inaugurate our Province Website which happens to coincide with the birth anniversary of our dear founder Fr.de. Cloriviere, we thank and praise God for the precious gift of his life and for blessing him with numerous gifts, especially his deep faith and trust in God. He was quite conscious of his weaknesses and nothingness before God. He says: “God chooses whom he pleases. He can also choose from among weak men, ( women ) vile and despicable according to the world..All instruments are equal in the hands of the all- powerful. In truth God is all powerful and he is often pleased to choose the most miserable instruments”. He also made himself available to God to use him according to the need of the time and place. Due to the political turmoil in France he had moved from one place to the other. Even his superiors kept on moving him and entrusting him with new responsibilities. So he says: “ I look upon myself now as a ball, which our lord is pleased to roll from one side to another , and as our Lord’s pleasure is mine, movement is repose”.
May we have these dispositions of our dear founder and make ourselves available to His mission, where ever He may send us or whatever He may ask of us.
Philomena D’Sa
India Province South