From all eternity, The Society of the Daughters of the Heart of Mary (DHM) has been existing in and with God. Its Timeline in human history can be traced back to 1790 with Cloriviere’s inspiration and to 1791 when the first Daughters of the Heart of Mary made their consecration in France.
Fast forward 230 years later to 1951, when Maria Paiva de Couceiro, a Portuguese dhm,responding to Marie Rascol(Superior General)’s appeal to venture into mission lands, and inspired possibly by St. Francis Xavier, left Portugal, to start the DHM enterprise in Goa on 31st May1951.

Fast forward again to 70 years later, 31st May 2021,to see that the seed planted in Goa in 1951, has now grown into a mighty tree, with its branches spreading out in India, Pakistan, Japan and Viet Nam, in the continents of Africa and Europe, bearing much fruit in various fields like Education, Health, Income Generation, Women Development etc. We thank God for all the dhm, missionaries and others, whose love and service made this possible.
Seventy years of grace is an occasion for gratitude and celebration but the period of 2020-2021, with the COVID 19 pandemic has been a time of much distress. The second wave of the pandemic caused much havoc in Goa, with May 2021 witnessing the peak, resulting in numerous deaths, gloom and grief all around. Celebrations just could not take place in such an atmosphere. But we expressed our gratitude in a genuine and simple offering of the Eucharist, thanking God for all the blessings received during these 70 years.

The celebration of the Eucharist was stream lined and so our entire DHM family, relatives, friends, benefactors, alumni, students, clients were able to join us in singing the “Magnificat”. Fr. Roland Coelho, the celebrant, very aptly expressed it, “We are infinitely blessed to be depressed”.
A prominent place in the chapel was given to a portrait of Miss Paiva Couceiro, who, continues to inspire and guide us with her wisdom. “The society of tomorrow will be what we are today” and “It is the Lord who continues to work His marvels for us and through us”.